Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What does the word "Cryogenics" mean? cry-o-gen-ic (s); Cryogenics may be described as methods of using cold temperatures to solve problems. We use cryogenics to remove the strength from strong, resilient materials such as tires before we process them down to crumb, powder and sale-able materials. Therefore our machinery must handle much less stress than the alternatives. We also take advantage of the fact that the use of cryogenics may prevent high temperatures or fires that could otherwise be produced from the heat and sparks of processing. Some people incorrectly pronounce cryogenics as "ci-ro-gen-ics".
2. How much space is required? A standard CryoVortex line of equipment can operate in as little as 5,000 to 10,000 square feet (17' ceilings) and a 1 to 2 acre lot for truck traffic. We recommend 10,000 - 30,000 square feet (with a 3 to 5 acre lot).
3. How much power is required? A standard CryoVortex line uses 460V, 3 Phase power with up to 500 horsepower total. A CryoVortex Ultra line may use a little as 250 horsepower total.
4. How much nitrogen is required to reduce tires to crumb in one step? The industry "rule of thumb" estimates one pound of nitrogen per one pound of tires. This covers a wide range of environments and many locations will use less nitrogen.
5. What permits are required for processing tires? Typically your state will require an operating registration or permit. Contact your states Department of Natural Resources for more information. A CryoVortex Ultra (processing tire chips purchased on the open market) may not need any permits in most locals. Townships and Counties typically require less permits and taxes than a location with City Limits. Most states require a bond to allow you to store whole tires at your site. Tire Links 3
6. What permits are required for hauling tires? Most states have regulations that require a permit, a bond and payload logs. Many companies are all ready in business hauling tires to landfills and will pay you to receive their tires if it saves them money.
7. Why is there a fee for tire disposal / recycling? Scrap Tires or Waste Tires are a regulated waste and therefore can only be handled and accepted by state approved facilities and methods.
8. How much is the fee for tire disposal / recycling? Typically the fee is $.75 to $2.00 per tire with some areas up to $5 and even $7 for automotive tires. This is commonly called a "tipping fee".
9. Are grants available? Many states have grant programs to help solve the scrap tire dilemma. Contact your states Department of Natural Resources for more information. Tire Links 3
10. Is it possible to "start up" a new company to process tires? Yes, but it is very difficult. Tire recycling has many more challenges for start ups than most businesses. Unless you already have private funding you may have to turn to venture type financing to get started. Most banks will not work with start up companies without substantial personal guarantees.
11. Why are the names of your recycled materials trademarked? The recycled materials produced by our equipment meet or exceed industry standards. We work hard to create a good national reputation for our trademarks and brand names. With the proper acknowledgement, we allow our customers to use our trademarks to assist in marketing and selling from their CryoVortex facilities. CryoCrumb TM CryoPowder TM CryoTurf TM CryoPlay TM CryoMulch TM ExtendaMulch TM AlternaMulch TM CreteCrumb TM CryoSteelTM and CryoFiber TM. Each recycled tire material has unique properties as a result of processing through a CryoVortex TM.